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Raspberry Pi GPIO Sensors to MQTT

30 October, 2020;
  • featured-project|
  • project: rpi-gpio-sensors-mqtt|
  • python|
  • raspberry-pi|
  • microservices|
  • IOT|
  • MQTT|
  • Docker

A Docker-ized python microservice for reading a Raspberry Pi's GPIO input from a sensor & publishing a message via MQTT on detection.

Implementing Graphs in Typescript

22 October, 2020;
  • project: we-cook-sometimes|
  • javascript|
  • typescript|
  • data structures|
  • algorithms|
  • graphs

What? Recently, I've been working on we-cook-sometimes and came across a part of it that presented an interesting opportunity. One of the…

Query parameters in Gatsby

18 August, 2020;
  • project:|
  • problem solution|
  • javascript|
  • typescript|
  • gatsby|
  • react|
  • reach router

Recently, I just finished adding all of the blog functionality I needed to this website. While I ran into a host of new to me problems while…


18 August, 2020;
  • meta|
  • goals

Just a quick introduction to the goals of this blog: Share completed projects Document works in progress Discuss problems I've had…

Personal Website

15 November, 2020;
  • featured-project|
  • project:|
  • Typescript|
  • Javascript|
  • SASS|
  • Gatsby|
  • CSS-modules|
  • Node|
  • Express|
  • Mocha|
  • Enzyme|
  • React Testing Library|

This professional website & blog, built as a static site with dynamically generated blog posts, resume, & portfolio. Self-hosted on a Ubuntu server with Nginx & a NodeJS/Express back-end for the contact form.

We Cook Sometimes

15 November, 2020;
  • featured-project|
  • project: we-cook-sometimes|
  • Typescript|
  • SASS|
  • React|
  • React-Router|
  • CSS-modules|
  • Mocha|
  • Enzyme|
  • React Testing Library|
  • Webpack|
  • NGINX|
  • web development

A web-app to help my wife & I finally decide what to cook for dinner. Additionally, we use it to share our recipes with others. Pulls content from a Trello we already used to store & maintain recipes.

Missing Rust's Result type in Typescript

09 November, 2020;
  • project: we-cook-sometimes|
  • rust|
  • typescript|
  • type systems|
  • error handling

When I first started learning programming, I began where many do: the weak, dynamic typing of Javascript. As a result, I didn't understand…