Andrew Chang-DeWitt


Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

  • August 2024 - December 2025
Completing coursework on CS & SWE fundamentals, including systems programming, programming language theory, compiler construction, & database organization w/ special interests in embedded software as well as parallel & distributed systems & objects.

Wilbur Wright College, Chicago, IL

Associate in Engineering Science, Computer Science

  • August 2022 - May 2024
  • GPA: 3.8/4.0
Studied Python, C, OOP w/ C++ & Java; Networking (OSI, TCP/IP, UDP); Discrete Computational Structures; Calculus; Diff. Eq.; & Linear Algebra. Participated in dual enrollment program with IIT, meeting high academic standards to maintain eligibility & completing courses on Data Structures and Algorithms as well as Computer Organization & Assembly Programming at IIT.


exploreCSR @ Northwestern University

  • Racket
  • AI
  • LLM
  • Software Testing
  • Research
  • Problem Solving
  • Research Assistant

    March 2024 - ongoing

  • Worked with Dr. Christos Dimoulas @ Northwestern & his team to assist with programming language research
  • Assisted in the beginning stages of creating an LLM-based tool capable of generating test suites capable of capturing a high degree of possible bugs for a given software source
  • Researched fuzzing techniques to use in tandem w/ LLM test generation to hopefully improve the generated tests

Tinder (Match Group)

  • React
  • Redux
  • Redux-saga
  • TypeScript
  • NodeJS
  • git
  • GitHub
  • Project Planning
  • Feature Design
  • Web Engineering Intern

    June 2022 - January 2023

  • Led implementation planning for & worked with a cross-disciplinary team including engineering, product, & design to develop a new feature shipped on Tinder's web app in late Q3 of 2022, impacting tens of millions of users
  • Participated in the code-review & release process as well as regular, informal Scrum ceremonies
  • Assisted in migrating JavaScript typed in Flow to TypeScript across the application
  • Improved the Web experience for tens of millions of users by identifying & shipping fixes for a11y & i18n bugs

Indiana University—Purdue University at Indianapolis

  • .NET MVC
  • Razor
  • C#
  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • NodeJS
  • Vue
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Assistant Web Master

    August 2021 - May 2022

  • Updated outdated .NET Razor views from Bootstrap/JQuery to Indiana University's modern css framework, improving page load times
  • Implemented additional features in HTML, CSS, & vanilla JS (or Vue, where applicable)
  • Built dev tools in Python & TypeScript to automate data & file collection & formatting

State of Indiana, Department of Family Resources

  • Leadership
  • Coaching & mentorship
  • Communication
  • Project planning
  • State Eligibility Consultant

    State of Indiana, Department of Family Resources, June 2019 - August 2020

  • Team Lead

    Knowledge Services, May 2018 - June 2019

  • Eligibility Specialist

    Conduent, Knowledge Services, August 2016 - May 2018

  • Assisted clients in solving problems in the cases/applications, correcting their benefit eligibility & advised them on complicated policies & processes
  • Trained 12 new employees & worked with a team of experienced employees to improve their customer service, communication, & problem-solving skills by designing & hosting group training sessions in coordination with 1:1 mentoring
  • Collaborated with local office & regional management to improve business processes for efficiency & accuracy, saving 90+ minutes/day when generating reports & assigning case loads



  • Python
  • FastAPI
  • IOT devices
  • Analog input processing
  • Asynchronous programming
  • OOP

An IOT fan controller & thermometer using a Raspberry Pi Zero, an MCP3008 for reading thermistors as analog inputs, & a level-shifter for controlling a 12V PWM fan form the RPi's 3.3V GPIO pins. Reads temperatures & responds accordingly to maintain a target temperature in a charcoal smoker. Currently implementing features to share status/temps/history & allow controlling the device via a local WiFi web server.


  • Rust
  • WASM
  • Leptos
  • Python
  • FastAPI
  • PostgreSQL
  • Unit testing
  • FP
  • OOP

A budgeting application to empower my wife & I to better organize our financial future; inspired by a favorite (now defunct) fintech product. Backend built with a RESTful API written in Python with FastAPI & PostgreSQL, with parts as needed in Rust with Axum. Intended to be consumed with frontend currently being written as an isomorphic web application using SSR & hydrating on the client with WASM using Rust & Leptos.


  • Java
  • Unit testing
  • OOP
  • Data structures & algorithms
  • Library API design
  • CLI tooling

A Java testing library, test runner, & cli built as a class final project. Building this was a fun way to dive deeper into Java by utilizing Java's powerful introspection & reflection capabilities to traverse objects & customize compilation output. JSpec was also a great excuse to practice data structures & algorithms by building a custom implementation of doubly linked lists & n-ary trees, complete with traversal algorithms & collection manipulation methods such as `reduce()`, `map()`, & `forEach()`; used for storing test result state before rendering.

DB Wrapper & AMQP Worker

  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • AMQP 0-9-1
  • Unit testing
  • OOP
  • Type systems & static typing
  • Library API design
  • Microservices
  • Data modeling & validation

A pair of async, typesafe libraries intended to be used in a microservice-based & Docker-orchestrated implementation of Hoops (which has since pivoted to a monolithic backend). First is an ORM & db connection/query library driven by Psycopg2 with runtime type validation in an intuitive API. Second is a library for building services that communicate over AMQP with a simple, Flask-like API.