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Raspberry Pi GPIO Sensors to MQTT

30 October, 2020;
  • featured-project|
  • project: rpi-gpio-sensors-mqtt|
  • python|
  • raspberry-pi|
  • microservices|
  • IOT|
  • MQTT|
  • Docker

What it is Though it may have been a mistake, my wife agreed to let me build us a home security system instead of buying one. I say mistake…

Personal Website

15 November, 2020;
  • featured-project|
  • project:|
  • Typescript|
  • Javascript|
  • SASS|
  • Gatsby|
  • CSS-modules|
  • Node|
  • Express|
  • Mocha|
  • Enzyme|
  • React Testing Library|

What & why? About one year ago, I began studying in earnest with the goal of making a career change to software development. As a self…

We Cook Sometimes

15 November, 2020;
  • featured-project|
  • project: we-cook-sometimes|
  • Typescript|
  • SASS|
  • React|
  • React-Router|
  • CSS-modules|
  • Mocha|
  • Enzyme|
  • React Testing Library|
  • Webpack|
  • NGINX|
  • web development

An idea The project began as an idea I had after checking out the New York Times' Watching web application. Up until sometime in the last…